Sunday, December 8, 2013

A Week of Kindergarten Snacks, October 2013

I don't pack a whole ton because her AM school has snack right before recess, which comes right before pick-up. Which is right before lunch starts at her afternoon Kindergarten class (we opted to do a private school in the morning and public in the afternoon.) I don't want to fill her up right before lunch! Plus the snack parent often brings fresh fruits and veggies, which are always "safe" for her.
For the days I forget to pack and have to grab something quick, I keep some single-serve baggies of crunchy things like popcorn and gluten-free cheesy crackers. Not that I ever run out of time or forget...

Here's a week's worth of snacks for my Kindergartener. Well. Not a whole consecutive week... Found an old unpublished snack, plus a week where I forgot to pack snack one day *cough*

Monday, 9/23/13
Cheetos Naturals and "Hot Cocoa" yogurt

Monday, 10/14/13
Slice of Hail Merry Miracle Tart (lemon,) organic strawberries

Tuesday, 10/15/13
Pomegranate arils, root and plantain chips

Wednesday, 10/16/13
Van's gluten-free Say Cheese crackers, organic strawberries

Friday 10/18/13
Pomegranate arils, Naturebox Country Ranch Peas

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