I am an American-style bento maker, blogger, Instagram addict (okay, okay, and Facebook,), bento-tool hoarder, inept cook, amateur photographer and comedienne, freelance writer, wife, and mama!
We have a diet free from artificial food additives, and we're gluten-free, mostly vegetarian, and avoid cow dairy.
If you have a food product or foodie subscription service that you would like to promote to readers looking to avoid artificial ingredients and/or gluten or other allergens, we love working with brands! Lunch boxes and lunch packing tools are a good fit too (obviously!) You can check out my product reviews here, and sponsored (paid) posts and shameless self-promotions here.

We have a diet free from artificial food additives, and we're gluten-free, mostly vegetarian, and avoid cow dairy.
If you have a food product or foodie subscription service that you would like to promote to readers looking to avoid artificial ingredients and/or gluten or other allergens, we love working with brands! Lunch boxes and lunch packing tools are a good fit too (obviously!) You can check out my product reviews here, and sponsored (paid) posts and shameless self-promotions here.
Email me at ludicrousmama@gmail.com if interested.

Welcome to the insanity! Join me and my two little eaters... I mean "daughters" as I chronicle our "beautiful lunches" (bento and other fun meals,) eliminate artificial food additives from our diet, eat gluten-free and mostly dairy-free to avoid digestive issues, learn to cook ineptly, and share other random stuff that we do.
I've decided to try and cook (from actual recipes!!) and make healthier meals for us.
Hey, if you can't laugh at yourself, might as well write it up so others can laugh at you instead!
Since I don't really know what I'm doing and I suck at following directions
(and rarely have all the ingredients on-hand anyways,) I usually just end up faking it. And often failing.
Kendra Peterson, aka: Ludicrous Mama
I am a thirty-*cough cough*-something stay-at-home mom to a 2nd-Grader and a Preschooler! I like to read, watch TV, blog, and I also try and enrich their life outside of preschool by
My Husband (aka: Hubby, Daddy, Dadda) is a game designer and crazy good at problem solving. Not so good at putting the milk back in the fridge, or remembering where he last put my nail clippers though. But he's a good cook, and can carry the Oompa-Loompas longer than I can, so I guess he's a keeper. He is also exceptionally good at putting up with my innate laziness, slovenliness, and general expect-him-to-magically-do-everything-ness. Oh, and he takes out the garbage too! {heart}
The Podlings:
Daughter #1 (AKA: Z, Little Z, The Princess, Big Sis) is now seven years old, precocious and too smart for my own good. She also has a highly sensitive personality, which results in a lot of extra hand-holding on my part. But I believe in working with the child you have, rather than trying to fit them into a mold of your expectations, and we're making great strides, socially.She's a very good eater, and with a mixture of my creative feeding tricks and her adventurous nature, she makes a lot of healthy choices and tries some
You are welcome to use my any of my food/object photos, provided you give credit and link back to my original post in yours, and leave me a comment, so I can come check it out! You may not use any photos depicting a child without express written permission from me.
You may not use any photos credited to a photographer other than myself (or my husband.)
If you wish to excerpt or reproduce my text, you may do so only if credited and linked back to me, with clear indications of which prose is mine. Also leave a comment, so I can come see.
Feel free to ask first as well, but as long as you don't abuse and violate my intellectual property, I'm cool with being notified after-the-fact. However, if I request that you remove my pictures/text for any reason, I expect that request to be honored.
I Can Writes Gooderly
(Freelance/Guest Posts)
World's Worst Moms
MOMables - Creamy Radish Cheese Dip ("Pink Dip")
It's Not Just Lunch - Do Not Buy EasyLunchboxes Spoof Post
It's Not Just Lunch - Reduce Waste When Eating Out
It's Not Just Lunch - Summer Needs Packed Lunches Too!
Featured At:
How Pinterest Packs a Lunch: 15 Crazy and Creative Lunches
Pinterest Stays Sensible: 20 Well-Rounded and Perfectly Packed Lunches
"Fun Back to School Lunches" slideshow on
FOX19, KCBD11, WISTV10, KCTV5, KLTV7, Toledo News Now,
Food Revolution (currently credited to the wrong blog though...)
Pinterest Stays Sensible: 20 Well-Rounded and Perfectly Packed Lunches
"Fun Back to School Lunches" slideshow on
FOX19, KCBD11, WISTV10, KCTV5, KLTV7, Toledo News Now,
Food Revolution (currently credited to the wrong blog though...)

EasyLunchboxes - It's Not Just Lunch
EasyLunchboxes - Not Just For Kids! - Bento Bloggers Dish About ELBs - Halloween Lunches
Busy Moms Can Still Pack Fun Lunches - Packing Lunch helps with Portion Control - Packing Summer Camp Lunches
Busy Moms Can Still Pack Fun Lunches - Packing Lunch helps with Portion Control - Packing Summer Camp Lunches

Healthy Lunch Challenge

Huffington Post
Healthy Lunch Challenge
My Photos Are Apparently Decent Too
It's Not Just Lunch - Leftovers for Lunch
EasyLunchboxes.com home page slide-show (far right photo on the "For School, Work or Travel" slide)
Randomly Awesome
I Was Featured! (And Linky Love)