Friday, 7/6/12 - We had a make-up class at Little Gym, then the 30+ minute trek to pick up our weekly CSA box. I didn't really have a theme in mind, but I had to come up with something that would pass muster. She's not only been demanding a theme each time, but she argues the cohesion of my themes when I do come up with one! "What's this for? How do these fit the theme, Mama?" Gah!
I wanted to introduce her to the Yum! that is my ham-and-Pink Dip mini pita pocket sandwiches, so I filled the rest with her favorites - organic Rainier cherries from our CSA, Kale Chips, plus some Dark Chocolate Pomegranate jelly ball candies she'd chosen at the grocery ("And these have NO fake colors, right Mama?")
I kind of decided on a bear-y theme for the cheese, since my animal head cutters were handy, and I decided on two sizes to either be a Mommy and a Baby, or else Big and Baby Sisters. Her call. I used one of my faces cutters on the larger cheeses, just for fun, but it was too big for the smaller bear, and I couldn't find the third wheel of faces with the smaller versions on it. This lack of face was both noted and disapproved of.

The larger silicone bear cup I bought online, but the little one came in a set from the Daiso store near me, and I've only ever seen them there that one time. The heart box came from Dollar Tree around Valentine's Day. Larger bear/frog head cutter came from this set, and the smaller came from a set of mini plastic bento cutters imported from Japan a while ago.

Cherries and Bearies
Colby Jack cheese, chocolate covered pomegranate jellies (in heart box;) ham, lettuce and Pink Dip mini pita; Rainier cherries, Kale Chips |
I kind of decided on a bear-y theme for the cheese, since my animal head cutters were handy, and I decided on two sizes to either be a Mommy and a Baby, or else Big and Baby Sisters. Her call. I used one of my faces cutters on the larger cheeses, just for fun, but it was too big for the smaller bear, and I couldn't find the third wheel of faces with the smaller versions on it. This lack of face was both noted and disapproved of.
Mama's Lunch - Pac Man!
Ham, lettuce, and Pink Dip mini pitas; cheese scraps, carrot sticks, Stroopwaffel cookies, Angelcots (white apricots) |
In order to show the yummy filling and fit in the cheese scraps, I had to position my sandwich pocket halves kind of open and angled. So it looks kind of like Pac-Man eating one of those circles! Teehee!
At first she was wary of the sandwich, because of the lettuce, but I told her that they were my favorites, and the lettuce gave the ham (which she likes) and the Pink Dip (which she loves) some crunch, and to try a few bites with the lettuce first. I also told her that it was a Big Girl type of sandwich, and I knew she was ready to try this, now that she's 4.
She ended up eating pretty much everything. There may have been a sliver of pita pocket left, and some salt granules from the Kale Chips. Plus the cherry pits and stems.
Here you can see the chocolates in the box. |

Aww that is beary cute! :D