I forgot do do these the past few months. Oops.
Top Five Posts
In which I make a character to go with one of her favorite books. And manage it without any fake colors!
In which I amaze even myself. Normally other people come up with this kind of thing, and I wish *I* had thought of it!

In which I showcase a lot of fun recyclable/compostable bento container ideas for disposable field trip bento lunches.
In which I make my first MTM in a while, and happen to use almost exclusively foods from Trader Joe's. What a fluke!
In which I make a very cute lunch for my very hungry girl.
Top Five Referring URLs
3. Facebook
5. bentolunch.net (What's For Lunch at Our House)
And just a little shout-out to my friend Karen from What's In John's Lunch Bag? for squeaking in at #9 this month with her Patriotic Blog Hop lunch post! My Top Ten list is usually a jumble of the same few sites, so to see both Chef Corey and Karen in here with their hop posts linking to me is huge! It means I have been slacking at promoting my stuff in linkies and stuff they're super awesome!
Top Five Referring Sites
1. Facebook
5. Pinterest
Thanks Mamas!
Search Keywords
Got my first ever result from someone searching for "bento." Woot! In this case, they searched for "bento fun." Even better!
No weird ones this month. Mostly the usual, searching my blog name or URL, that kind of thing.
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