Thursday, 8/2/12 - Found at a used book store for $3 and bought simply because it involved her favorite animal- a bunny, That Rabbit Belongs to Emily Brown has quickly become one of her favorite bedtime reads. (By Cressida Cowell, the same author as How to Train Your Dragon!)

Stanley/Bunny Wunny: I used a mini bunny face cutter to make cheese bunnies. Bunny-shaped Purple Yam Sweet Potater Tots with ketchup, for more Bunny-Wunny fun. And as a treat, some Annie's Bunnies Tropical Treat Fruit Snacks.
Emily Brown and the Queen: I used a biscuit cutter to cut bread circles, then I flattened it a little, put globs of peanut butter and chocolate almond butter in the centers, then used a dumpling press to fold and seal the bread into dumplings. I used little head picks to make the dumplings look like dresses on the Queen and Emily Brown. (Emily is the little boy-head pick with the yellow hat, and the queen has the pink bow in her hair. Not that it matters.)
She loved her sandwich dresses, and spent a lot of time playing with the picks. She even used the sticky Annie's Bunnies (they got kind of tacky to the touch overnight after sitting in the compartment with the moist strawberries) to form a body with arms and legs to make her own little girl. She mostly used the picks to eat the strawberries after that.
The Queen wants Emily's stuffed rabbit, Stanley, but he is NOT for sale! The queen tries a variety of bribes, but finally resorts to stealing "Bunny Wunny." The palace staff cleans him up and fixes his flaws, and then the queen is unhappy because he isn't as fun-looking or happy as he was with Emily. Emily goes to rescue Stanley, and tells the Queen her secret - love your toy, and make it special in your own way. And then she and Stanley go home and live happily ever after.
So for fun, I threw together a quickie themed lunch!
"That Rabbit Belongs to Emily Brown" Bento
Strawberries, cheese, Annie's Gummy Bunnies, ketchup, Purple Yam Sweet Potater Tots, PB-chocolate almond butter sandwich dumplings |
Emily Brown and the Queen: I used a biscuit cutter to cut bread circles, then I flattened it a little, put globs of peanut butter and chocolate almond butter in the centers, then used a dumpling press to fold and seal the bread into dumplings. I used little head picks to make the dumplings look like dresses on the Queen and Emily Brown. (Emily is the little boy-head pick with the yellow hat, and the queen has the pink bow in her hair. Not that it matters.)
She loved her sandwich dresses, and spent a lot of time playing with the picks. She even used the sticky Annie's Bunnies (they got kind of tacky to the touch overnight after sitting in the compartment with the moist strawberries) to form a body with arms and legs to make her own little girl. She mostly used the picks to eat the strawberries after that.
Photo by Little Z |
In the interest of full disclosure, I will admit I started out with no theme in mind, but wanting to use my new dumpling maker to make the sandwiches. Then I thought about using my new face picks to make them into little angels or something. And since I already had the bunny tots, I went with a rabbit theme for the rest. As I was packing it, I realized it would go with the book I overheard her Dadda reading to her for story time the night before!
Mama's Lunch (and Snack!)
Snack: broccoli and peas with Pink Dip. Lunch: spinach salad w/raspberries, blueberries, raisins, almonds (in little green box,) and raspberry vinaigrette (in Smidget.) Sunny Squash Greenies, Cheese scraps, Trader Joe's Parmesan Garlic and Herb Pita Chips |
My kids love to use their picks to create new things with whatever food they have on their plate. It cracks me up! Yummy lunch, Mama!