
Monday, May 11, 2015

Girls Day Out at the Fair!

When I saw a Groupon for Remlinger Farms, I bought one, and called my youngest sister, who bought one as well. Then we all planned a fun day out together with the Grandmas too! Remlinger Farms is like a year-round fair, with amusement rides, farm stand items and crafts, animals, and fun! (Well, not quite year-round... they're closed November through Mother's Day... But still,) We'd never been before, but I'd heard great things (it's an hour or so away, and I'm not known for my desire to travel long distances without my husband in the driver's seat!)
Since I wasn't sure if their deli/farm stand would have safe lunch options, I packed food for all of us.

[This post contains referral and affiliate links.]

Lunch for Z
Organic grapes, blueberries, snap peas, carrots; Udi's GF PBJ, dye-free taffies
I packed simple lunches without lots of extras, in case our lunches got lost or something. I made them fun by using a Lunch Punch Match and Munch puzzle cutter on the sandwiches. One of the few that isn't too big for the Udi's gluten-free bread! As a special treat, I included a few dye-free Trader Joe's taffies. My girls go ape for these!

Lunch for Little E
GF PBJ, dye-free taffies; organic grapes, blueberries, snap peas, carrots
Other than cutting her grapes in half, E got the same lunch as Big Sis. Naturally it was too much food for her, but Mama helped her out!

Mama's Lunch
Vegan truffle bunny, freeze-dried mangoes, Peeled Berry Crunch apple clusters, organic salad (lettuce, carrots,
crumbled goat cheese, hemp hearts, sunflower and chia seeds, raisins, rosemary vinaigrette)
I had the vegan (dairy-free!) bunny left over from a Vegan Treats Easter basket I had ordered for myself in the Spring. A bit of a splurge, but worth it to have some sorely missed copycat treats made without dyes, gluten, or dairy!

Tools of the Trade

Fun Pics for the Grammas!
The pony rides were the big hit of the day. E was only 2 and a half here, but she still remembers the ponies' names, and names all horse toys after her favorite, Coconut!
Normally I'm against pony rides at fairs and such, but since this is a permanent versus a mobile feature, handlers lead each pony around a track, rather than them being chained nose-to-butt walking in a circle. And each pony only has a 30-minute shift (less in extremely hot weather) before being rotated back to the barn for a break. I was very pleased at how well loved and well-treated these ponies are by the staff.

My girls and my youngest niece riding the canoes. We'll pretend that Z didn't dip her finger in the water before sticking it in her mouth. Since the farm was uncharacteristically uncrowded, they got to stay on and go around a few extra times!

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