
Thursday, August 29, 2013

Last Day of Preschool - "Welcome to Kindergarten" Bento

Welcome to Kindergarten "Child's Garden" Lunch

6/13/13 - My baby is now officially a Kindergartener! So to commemorate Z's very last day of preschool ever, I made a Kindergarten lunch - Kindergarten literally means "child garden.

Kindergarten - Child's Garden Bento Lunch
Organic spinach, sugar snap peas, strawberries, and raspberries (with Enjoy Life chocolate chunks;)
GF PBJ sandwiches, dairy-free "cheddar," white cheddar
I was excited to finally get to use my silicone flower pot muffin cups. They are too tall to fit in most anything. But on their sides like this, they fit, just smooshed down a bit with the lid closed. Perfect!

To continue the garden theme (without having to actually make a ton more "children,") I stuck some flower stem picks in strawberries.

As a special treat, I stuck Enjoy Life (top 8 allergen-free and gluten-free) Chocolate Chunks into raspberries. They look kind of flowery, right?

Flower pot sandwiches
For the flower-children, I used a large flower veggie cutter on gluten-free bread and some dairy-free "cheddar," and then a circle cutter on some white cheddar (dairy) for the faces. I used the spinach leaves tucked behind to help hold the flowers and half-pod "leaves" in place, and a cloth napkin (from Red Poppy Crafts on etsy) carefully placed on top before closing the lid on the EasyLunchbox.

For the eyes and mouth, I used India Tree Nature's Colors food colors (blue plus yellow.)

Baby's Garden Lunch
GF PBJ, dairy-free "cheddar," white cheddar, organic sugar snap peas and berries
E got a few of the extra flower sandwiches, and the cheese scraps. A few blueberries stuffed into raspberries, to look just like what Big Sis got too. Without the inevitable chocolatey mess!

Today, my precious little girl goes off to public school for the first time. My strong, vulnerable, quirky, clever, bizarre, sensitive princess goes off into a whole new world. A place where teachers don't respond to my emails the same day (if at all,) I don't get a run-down of any issues that popped up each afternoon when I pick her up, I don't know any of the kids (and rarely get to meet any of the other parents,) and other than conferences in the Fall and Spring, I will have no clue how things are going.

I'm terrified.

Tools of the Trade
  Red Poppy Napkins 


  1. This is adorable! What a wonderful idea it was to use flower pots in the lunch!

  2. the silicon flower pot and the lunch was lovely!!

  3. so cute!!!! I hope she has an amazing first day of school! And don't feel disconnected: join your PTA. Best thing I ever did (serving as president again this year)for me and my kids!!!

    1. I usually can't bring the little one to stuff. Plus I hate actually interacting with people. I can't imagine where Z gets her social issues from...

  4. Um. I freaking LOVE Z's Lunch Kendra! SO CUTE!

  5. Seriously?! That is so flippin' cute!!

  6. Awesome, so gorgeous. I love those pots!

  7. The flowerpots are amazingly cute! Beautiful lunch!


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